Walking through the shops that I like in SL, I got a * So Many Styles * (modern clothes, beautiful, with prim ... well ... everything I like) and to my surprise, I found a group gift that it store left us (only with the store tag on).
I looked in my closet, looking to give my own touch to this beautiful outfit, and I think i did ㋡
Rose Tank Monochrome (with sculpt), mini skirt jean pink (with sculpt), belt (1 brown and 1 grey)
* So Many Styles *
Shahtoosh Shawl in pink
* Bliss Couture *
Pink Bracelets
* Mandala *
Brown boots
* Hoorenbeek *
Short black hair with brown hat
* Exile *
Grey sculpted long nails with ring
* Candy Nail *
Skin "Andrada" from
* CandyDoll *
βу ∆ηαιѕ Мhια