Jaxie O., owner and designer of the store * RRS * sent me the new releases of her shop, and the gifts from September that we can enjoy.Thank you so much Jaxie O. by these incredible shoes, I loved !!!!!
Shoes: "Domina" Zebra Toes from * RRS * - September Group Gift & Lucky Board
Other Credits
Lace & Satin Black Dress from * Azul *
"Smudget Tears" from * [glow] *
Skin: "Candice" Black Licorice Make Up by Stevenzuuh GossipGirl from* Veneno * (i can't find the lm)
Hair: "Con Panna" in Ash Black from * LoQ *
Shoes: "Domina Gator" in Black from * RRS * - New Release
Shoes: "Domina" in Blue from * RRS * - Gift in Lucky Board

Shoes: "Domina" in Gold from * RRS *
Shoes: "Domina Gator" in Green from * RRS * - New Release