Hint #11→ Autumn Skybox from * Magic Nook * - TSH - Fall
Hint #17→ Apple Picking Chair from * Art Dummy * - TSH - Fall
Hint #19→ Autumn Apples from * Agent Orange * - TSH - Fall
Hint #15→ Creepy Ballets in Black from * Beatnik * - RSH
Dress→ Bowie Gray Dress from * CandyDoll * Kids - New Landmark
Hair→ "Carrie" in Moody Brown from * Fri.Day *
Skin→ SC Skin Cute Pink2 (gloss fl) from * Heaven's Skin *
So Cute...So Sweet! ㋡
Deco Bear "Love Me" S (on chair) from * UrbanizeD * - This was a Limited Edition for the Group Last Week
Wrinkled Rug "Sweet Dreams" from * UrbanizeD * - This was a Limited Edition for the Group Last Week
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